TAFER Rewards

Register now to start saving

TAFER Rewards is an exclusive loyalty program offered by Tafer Hotels & Resorts. It is applicable for all of the luxury resorts within Tafer’s current and future collection in Puerto Vallarta, Cancun and Los Cabos.

As our most valued guests, you will enjoy a number of benefits including special deals with the lowest prices, advance notice about promotions, amongst other advantages.

Added Benefits

Exclusive Benefits

Exclusive Rates
Premium Wifi*
Complimentary Bottle of Wine*
Welcome amenity*
Flexible Check-In/Check-Out
Room Upgrade*
Spa Credit*

TAFER Rewards Tier

More reservations, more benefits.

In exchange for your loyalty, the more you stay, the more rewards you’ll earn with a TIER system giving you perks and benefits according to the number of nights you stay.

0 to 15 nights

As a Gold Member, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Exclusive rates: Enjoy an additional 5% off on exclusive member rates.
  • Early access to special sales: Get a head start on fantastic deals with priority access to special sales.

16 to 30 nights

As a Platinum Member, the benefits that you get include:

  • Exclusive rates: Enjoy an additional 7% off on exclusive member rates
  • Early access to special sales: Get a head start on fantastic deals with priority access to special sales
  • Welcome Amenity: Chocolate-covered strawberries upon arrival, once per stay (2)
  • Complimentary Bottle of Wine: Enjoy a bottle of our selected wine upon arrival, once per stay (2)
  • Spa Credit ($40 USD) (3)
  • Flexible Check-In/Check-Out (4)
  • Room Upgrade on arrival (4)

31 nights or more

As a valued Diamond Member, you can unlock even more special perks, including:

  • Exclusive rates: Relish an additional 10% off on exclusive member rates
  • Early access to special sales: Gain privileged insights into premium deals with priority access to special sales
  • Welcome Amenity: Chocolate-covered strawberries upon arrival, once per stay (2)
  • Premium WI-FI: Stay connected with high-speed internet throughout your stay
  • Complimentary Bottle of Wine: Enjoy a bottle of our selected wine upon arrival, once per stay (2)
  • Spa Credit ($50 USD) (3)
  • Flexible Check-In/Check-Out (4)
  • Room Upgrade on arrival (4)

Why you should book directly with us

TAFER Resorts Puerto Vallarta Tafer Rewards
Benefits Guests Rewards
Lowest public prices guaranteed
Travel specialists provide personalized assistance
No hidden commissions
Use a safe and secure platform
Exclusive luxury standards assured
A choice of locations (Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Cabo)
Receive our newsletter
First in line for exclusive promotions on luxury vacations
Extra instant discount (1)
Welcome Amenity (2)
Complimentary Bottle of Wine (2)
Spa Credit (3)
Flexible Check-In/Check-Out (4)
Room Upgrade on arrival (4)

TAFER Rewards is completely free to join, all you need to do is sign up and go on vacation, and we will reward you for doing what you love most, enjoying a spectacular vacation escape!

First in Line for Promotions

You will receive advance notice of our promotions, so you can be the first in line to enjoy exclusive discounts and limited-time offers

Garza Blanca Lifestyle

Instant Discount

As a TAFER Rewards member, you are guaranteed to always get the lowest possible rate for your vacation, and enjoy additional savings on published discounted prices.

TAFER Resorts Lifestyle

Frequently Asked Questions

Luxury Collection

Tailor your vacations to suit your mood and travel companions. Choose from any of the leisure properties in the Tafer Hotels & Resorts’ collection in Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Los Cabos and the Sierra Madre Mountains.

Elegant exterior view of Hotel Mousai Puerto Vallarta, highlighting modern luxury and architecture

Hotel Mousai Puerto Vallarta

Panoramic view of Garza Blanca Puerto Vallarta with lush greenery and oceanfront setting

Garza Blanca Puerto Vallarta

Stunning view of Garza Blanca Los Cabos with a modern design and beachfront location

Garza Blanca Los Cabos

Luxurious view of Garza Blanca Cancun with pristine architecture and tropical surroundings

Garza Blanca Cancun

Serene view of Villa del Palmar Cancun highlighting spacious design and beachside charm

Villa del Palmar Cancun

Serene view of Sierra Lago surrounded by nature and a picturesque lake

Sierra Lago

Terms and conditions

  1. Not valid for promotions from vacation clubs where you are required to qualify and attend a sales presentation or rates that depend on membership (paid or otherwise), examples of which include, but are not limited to Grupon, RueLala, Hoteltravel.com, etc. Not valid for groups or weddings.
  2. The welcome amenity, bottle of wine, and room upgrade are offered once per stay and upon arrival.
  3. Spa credit applies only to treatments of 50 minutes or longer and excludes purchases of spa retail products. It cannot be combined with other credits, tips, tax payments, or promotional offers.
  4. Room upgrades and early check-in/late check-out are subject to availability.